Although COVID is becoming the new norm in our society, we have to be prepared for the post-COVID world also. Our Executive Director, Ms. Bonnie Liao, moderated the panel, Leading Corporate Social Responsibility in the post-COVID World, in Horasis Extraordinary Meeting 2021.
The 3 key leaders are SERA Honorary Chairman & Former President of UN Global Compact- Mr. Gustavo Pérez Berlanga (Mexico), SERA Honorary Chancellor & Former Secretary for Education – Mr. Eddie Ng, GBS, JP(HKSAR) and SERA Honorary Fellow & Chairman of Global Sustainable Tourism Council – Mr. Luigi Cabrini (Madrid). Our speakers are from across society, business, industry and government, joining to discuss in what ways we can recover and bring a wiser, kinder, greener future.
The panel meeting recap is available on YouTube, please watch from the link below: